About Me.
Journaling and creativity are, for me, the art of paying attention to my life and my creator.
I'm Meredith, and I'm still trying to work out what I want to be when I grow up! Here's what I know for sure: I'm a creative soul who loves God. I'm married to an all-around good guy named Paul, and we have two beautiful daughters, Bronte and Capri.
The face behind the posts
Most of my working life has been connected to designing and creating things. It wasn't until I found myself working in an office full-time that I realised how essential creativity was to my healthy function.
During this time, I spend part of my Sunday afternoon "mucking around" making things to post to my daughter in Sydney. These short windows of creativity breathe life into me and my week, and I started to notice the negative effect on my life when I didn't find time to play. It was an AH HA moment!

Draw near
Acknowledge him
Knock etc
My next "Aha!" moment was realising that my creativity and faith were connected. They are both intrinsic parts of who I am, and they need to find expression together.
I've created this space to share the journey - so that you might find some tools to grow your friendship with the Creator and return to, or start to see yourself as, a creative too. Would you believe that the most significant tools I have picked up have been PLAY and INTENTIONALITY!
As a teen I was drawn to the verses in the bible that had a promise attached like…
James 4:8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean NOT on your OWN understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.
I’m a practical and pragmatic person, so I am always looking for clues in the bible and in life to SEE what’s required of me. So, I read the bible looking for verbs that show me what to do next.
Check out the list!
"I am made in the image of a wildly creative God, and I will revel in the scope of it”

Has life been a smooth journey? “Heck no!!” but He has been 100% faithful. A decade ago, I was really frustrated that there was so many creative things that I liked to do, and this seemed to make it impossible to settle on a particular medium or find a style or “look” that was mine. I couldn’t help but try it all!
I had convinced myself that finding a niche was the only way to be taken serious as an Artist. But after a bit of wrestling, I wrote this statement "I am made in the image of a wildly creative God, and I will revel in the scope of it!' and it was the shift into enjoying the “breadth” of my creativity and gave me the freedom to continue to PLAY.
And, if this is true for me - it is also true for You. You were made in God’s image and are wildly creative! How that plays out in your life might take some exploration, but you need to shut down that voice (or those voices) that made you believe a lie and said that you are not creative.
Today I still love to dabble in anything creative, but I am most excited about how God shows up when I intentionally ask him questions and expect him to answer. These creative conversations happen in a bunch of different ways for me, and I’m pretty sure that some of them will work for you to.
I’ve put some tools together that very well might open the door on new ways to hear his voice. Come and see.
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