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Prayer perspective

What had me lying down on the floor this morning? I'm not exactly sure, but I have become pretty good at listening to what my body is saying. Is it intuition, the Spirit, tiredness??

It's Monday morning and writing this blog post is NOT on my list of things to do. Argh!!

What I am meant to be doing is finalising a document to explain and promote my new Talking with God - prompt packs. Let me tell you this is not as simple as it sounds.


So I find myself lying down on the carpet trying to assure the dog that I'm ok!! and this random owner behaviour is nothing to worry about. So as I pull her in for a cuddle and pat, I look under the bed. "Hmm, what have we got under here" - my husband's purple hand knitted bed socks (can't remember the last time he wore those) and a timber massage thing I forgot we even owned. This is a very different angle to view my room!!

It got me thinking back to my Talking with God packs and my difficulty in trying to put language around them. PRAYER is the heart of these packs, although I'm pretty sure I don't use the word pray or prayer once! Why is that? Maybe it's because we can have such strong preconceived ideas about what prayer is and what it isn't.

The prompts provide a fresh perspective to prayer and open up possibilities that you might not have considered before. If your prayer life seems routine, these packs might just be the catalyst you need. They contain four prompts that encourage engagement with scripture, imagination, and conversation with God.

They are a practical spiritual formation prayer resource.

Does your prayer life need a fresh perspective?


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I'm a bit of a story teller. Sometimes with words and just as often with images. My heart is to nurture and encourage creativity as a means of hearing God. 

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