Your FUN faith mentor.
Jesus said, the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. I have come that you have life, life to the full! John 10:10
What is your current life experience? Could you describe it as life to the full?
A couple of decades ago I was pretty dissatisfied with my life. While I was friends with Jesus and had been a Christian for over 20 years I knew that there had to be MORE!
Jesus promised MORE.
My own sheep will hear my voice and I know each one, and they will follow me. John 10: 27
I could not hear his voice! So I began to get very honest with Him and myself. I forced myself to to be real with the language I used as I attempted to record the struggle. I voiced (on paper) my frustration and questions. Do you want to know what happened? God showed up. When I got real, He got real. He heard my cries and answered my questions. Not once did he do it the way I anticipated or expected or in my time frame. But he faithfully showed up and I began to love the adventure that was life in friendship with Him.
I have unlearnt what I thought it meant to pray and learnt to chat with HIm. Yes, It sounds ridiculous to suggest chatting with the Creator of the Universe, but it is possible.
Would you love to have someone journey alongside you? Do you need a Mentor to keep you accountable? I have 3 spaces left in 2024 - Use the button below to book a Clarity Call to sense if we're a good fit together.
Psalm 138:3
At the very moment that I called out to you, you answered me!
You strengthened me deep within my soul and breathed fresh courage into me.
He did it for me and he'll do it for YOU!
